Logo ArtInterview With Katharina Wilson,
Author of The Alien Jigsaw

by Sean Casteel

The Mutual UFO Network UFO JOURNAL
Number 329, "The UFO Press"

Katharina Wilson, whose self-published, first person account of her abduction experiences, The Alien Jigsaw, has been highly praised by UFO abduction authorities like John Carpenter and Budd Hopkins (who also wrote the book's introduction), is slowly building a wider readership and has been picked up by national bookstore chains like B. Dalton, Barnes & Noble, and Bookstop. What began as an attempt to turn her journal entries about her abduction experiences into a coherent narrative has become something of a commercial "sleeper," no pun intended.

After Katharina and I had spoken a few times on the phone, we decided to do an interview together for "The MUFON UFO Journal" to sort of bring readers up to date on what has been going on with her since the publication of The Alien Jigsaw in 1993. She has continued to have a steady stream of experiences and has gained new insight into the phenomenon from an experiencer's perspective.

"The Alien Jigsaw covers the first 32 years of my life," Wilson said, "and ends in December of 1992. I documented thirty abduction experiences in 1993, and my journal shows fourteen experiences for 1994. I resisted documenting my experiences that year because I was trying to force the Beings to interact with me on my terms. I was angry and frustrated with them for using me so long for psychological and physical 'experiments.' I tried to stay angry with them, and my not writing as often was a form of passive resistance."

Wilson said that some of the fourteen experiences from last year were intended to demonstrate to her that "other dimensions really exist" and that "some people actually exist in more than one dimension and in more than one time."

As of July of this year [1995], Wilson reported that her experiences had changed in tone and character.

"For example," Wilson said, "I'm not being used as much in a psychological and physical sense, although those types of experiences occasionally do occur. I seem to be learning to teleport myself and to use my thoughts to 'move myself through other spaces.' "

The abduction experience often carries with it a deep sense of responsibility.

"Like many abductees," Wilson said, "I feel a great weight upon me, as if I am preparing for an important event to take place. I also feel as if I am, in part, responsible for something very important. I want to make it very clear that I do not feel special because of my experiences. Quite the contrary. I feel an enormous burden because of these experiences, and rather than feeling I've been 'chosen,' I feel as if it is my duty or my assignment to help educate people about this phenomenon."

That burdensome sense of responsibility also includes receiving frightening visions of the Earth's future and mankind's own powerlessness in the face of global nuclear and environmental disaster.

"In early 1995," Wilson said, "I had a vision of nuclear war that I documented in an unpublished paper titled, 'Curious Correlations.' The vision showed that China will attack both Russia and the United States with nuclear weapons. They will be carried by red (high performance) jets belonging to the Chinese military. Nuclear weapons and oil are going to be the main 'tools' of this war."

"How do I feel about visions such as these? Wilson continued, "First, I have no idea why I'm receiving information such as this, unless I am supposed to share it with others. It does me no personal good to have to live with this knowledge, if that is indeed what it is. Second, I don't want anything like this to occur, and my life isn't so boring that I would create something like this to make it more interesting. As to the 'reality' of these visions, I can only describe them as being absolutely 'powerful.' When you are seeing these events unfold before you, at that moment, you have no choice but to believe them."

Wilson said that she had also received numerous visions of a personal nature and that many of those had come to pass.

"However," she went on, "I have no idea if these new visions will actually occur. I realize this information can really stretch the imagination, but one possible explanation for these 'visions' is: If we exist in other dimensions, what we are seeing may be real. Perhaps the information is 'spilling over' to those people who exist simultaneously in different dimensions."

Wilson denies that she is psychic or gifted with anything beyond what she calls "intuition." She even points out that during the late 1980's, she participated in a PSI experiment for an Operant Behavior Psychology class and scored only slightly above chance.

One of the major themes of The Alien Jigsaw is Wilson's determined rebellion against the authority of "The Typical Abduction Scenario" as laid out by major abduction researchers like Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs, who claim that those elements that don't fit into commonly repeated patterns don't deserve inclusion in the literature.

"I still feel very strongly about this," Wilson said. "I agree that a lot of aliens are engaging in what is becoming known as the alien-human hybridization program. I also take every [opportunity] I can to thank Budd Hopkins for his dedication and courage. The information he published in Missing Time and Intruders has helped thousands of people. A lot of us would not be here today without his help."

"We are both many other things," Wilson continued, "but on a very basic level, Budd is a researcher and I'm an abductee. When you've experienced teaching dreams, visions, alien theatrics, and shades of government involvement, you need to know that you are not alone. I've had many, many people tell me 'thank you' for writing about these types of experiences. I know first-hand how important that information is. For me, it has put the abduction phenomenon in an entirely new light. As I stated recently at the MUFON Symposium, 'The hybridization program is very real, but it is only the tip of the iceberg.' This phenomenon is so large that no one researcher is going to be able to view the whole process. It is going to take a lot of different researchers, each with a different focus, to pull all of this information together. One of the few healthy things about the abduction phenomenon is that we're not all focusing on one aspect of it."

Wilson will admit, however, to having experienced some of the elements of the standard abduction scenario along with some of her other more individuated experiences.

"I've had sightings of unusually shaped aerial craft," Wilson said, "UFOs if you will. I've also experienced missing time, the sudden appearance of unusual scars, feelings of paralysis, detecting a presence in my room at night and during the day, floating or flying without knowing why or how; and medical examinations involving skin scrapings, hair clippings, and gynecological exams. I've also experienced alien surgical procedures such as laparoscopic procedures (possible removal of ova), a heart operation, the insertion of rods in my joints, and the insertion of memory stimulating devices."

So, having blended the "individual" experiences with a healthy dose of the "communal" or the "shared" experience, Katharina Wilson is equipped to speak to us from both "typical" and "atypical" perspectives. What she doesn't have in common with other abductees is equally as important as what she does have in common.

At one point during the interview, I asked her if she had received any visions about the future of mankind in the long run.

"I was given a vision of 'humanity,' " she replied. " 'Humanity' was standing in line inside a mall at a burger joint, content with their minimum wage jobs. They weren't striving for anything more in life. They weren't trying to educate themselves. They were satisfied. A short pudgy female Being with dark skin and 'funny looking glasses' was standing next to me. She was telepathically tuning into my thoughts and feelings. I said to her, 'I can't believe they're satisfied with this. Eating animals and existing to work...it's unacceptable.' The pudgy, female telepathically replied matter-of-factly, 'They are receptacles.' "

"With these three words," Wilson continued, "her thoughts poured into my mind. In an instant she told me that what I was calling 'unacceptable' was all that these peoples' souls were capable of experiencing. I also felt her say something about their future; that their future and my future would be very different. I wasn't a part of them-I wasn't connected to 'humanity.' "

It is just that very sense of separateness that makes the day-to-day battle of experiencers like Katharina Wilson so vitally important to study and ultimately to understand, that makes her struggle and the struggle of others who are both "like" and "unlike" her so crucial to our troubled evolution and perhaps our very survival. If there is a basic message underlying the abduction phenomenon, it may be that whatever originates the experience has chosen to bypass the general masses and concentrate instead on sending it to a very tiny but statistically verifiable minority.

And it is a minority that needs people like Katharina Wilson very much.

-Sean Casteel ©1995

Sean Casteel is a freelance writer with a BA in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma, 1985. Sean has an interest in UFOs and has been covering the subject for more than seven years. Sean is a frequent contributor to the Ventura County & Coast Reporter, The MUFON UFO Journal, UFO Magazine, UFO Universe, Unsolved UFO Sightings, Unicus, and others. Sean Casteel lives and writes in Ventura, California. http://www.phantoms.com/seanc.htm

This article is reprinted with permission by The Mutual UFO Network. For more information write to MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155.

©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The preceding is reproduced with permission of the Author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute in printed form, for non-commerical purposes only, provided the information and the copy remain intact and unedited. http://www.alienjigsaw.com

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